About freezestats.com

We welcome you to our website about games! In our articles, you will find information about many entertainment projects, including board, card, video, sports, and other games. We are sure that every gamer will find something interesting to learn about the games. For this, you have all those articles our editors wrote or created for posting.

We strive to provide our readers with all the necessary information about games worthy of your attention or discussion. On our website, you will find game reviews, gaming news, tips, tricks, and exciting articles about the most popular and unusual games.

About me

Hi, I’m Michael Lewis, an avid gamer and contributing writer for a website dedicated to the video game universe. My immersion in the world of gaming began over a decade ago when I first experienced the thrill of completing challenging levels and strategically planning my actions. During this time, I have worked with top developers and spent hundreds of hours testing new products and analyzing game mechanics. In my articles, I strive to provide objective and informative reviews, which help our community of gamers to better navigate the sea of various games and make an informed choice. For me, games are not just entertainment but a whole world where you can learn a lot and discover new horizons.